A healthy lifestyle has balance in the five elements
I have always believed in holistic practices of health and wellness. By having balance in the five elements or domains of our life, we can create a healthy lifestyle. Mind, body, social, environmental, and spiritual aspects of our experience are the foundations of holistic medicine. Different mental health disorders have roots in these aspects. Creating balance will foster overall satisfaction and reduce the impact of suffering.
I believe that every client has the potential for health and wellness regardless of their situation. I have dealt with many issues including, mood, thoughts, anxiety, attention, eating, gender, sexuality, spirituality, substance use, and compulsive behaviors. I generally work with individuals 13 and older, though am comfortable working with individuals as young as 11.
I offer a free consultation for all new patients and will be able to accept many insurance policies. I have a reduced rate available for clients in need. I coordinate with primary care providers and other providers.
Taking the first step and calling is the most difficult.
Psychology Today profile: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/joshua-a-furtado-vancouver-wa/89975
Joshua A. Furtado
Contemplative Psychotherapy